The main subjects of current and previous research

  • Design and manufacturing of microwave dielectric spectrometers,
  • Phase transitions and microwave dielectric spectroscopy of :
    • low-dimensional semiconductors Sb2S3, Sb2Se3, Bi2S3, etc.
    • complex halcogenides,
    • complex halogenides.
  • Low-frequency soft phonon modes in semiconductors-ferroelectrics SbSI, SbSeI, SbSBr, Sn2P2S6, Sn2P2Se6, TlInS2, TlGaSe2, etc.
  • Relaxational dynamics and phase transitions in quasi-one-dimensional H-bonded ferroelectrics CsH2PO4, RbD2PO4, PbHPO4, etc.
  • Theoretical models of phase transitions,
  • Relaxational dynamics and phase transitions in metaloorganic and other order-disorder ferroelectrics RbHSO4, DGN, TAAP, DMAAS, Betaines, etc.
  • Relaxational dynamics and phase transitions in ferroelectric ceramics (PLZT, etc.).
  • Relaxational dynamics and phase transitions in protonic conductors CsHSO4, CsHSeO4, Rb3H(SeO4)2, (NH4)H(SeO4)2, etc.
  • Relaxational dynamics of and freezing phenomena in dipolar glasses and mezoporous systems.


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